In every profession there are terms you have to get to know. There is a large amount in automotive acronyms and abbreviations. Some you will remember and many you will have to look up every time. No matter your expertise, it would be hard to learn all of these. Some are used often and others are rarely used if at all.
There are some automotive acronyms and abbreviations you should become familiar with. Some are used so much in the automotive industry that is spoken like a language. What acronyms will depend on the specific area of automotive you are in. General terms are like 4WD, ECM, ABS, however, if you only work with transmissions, you may only use term like ATF, AXOD, AOD, AODE and so forth.
Below is a full list of automotive acronyms and abbreviations as a guide if you ever need to know them. It is most common to use these when researching parts or buying parts. There are many, so this has been setup for quick access. You have a table of contents that can get you to the alphabetical range and each table has a search box.
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3GR thru AXOD-E
Acronym/Abbreviation | Description |
3GR | 3GR (Third Gear) |
4GR | 4GR (Fourth Gear) |
4WD | Four wheel drive |
4WS | Four wheel steering |
A | Amperes |
A/C | Air Conditioning |
A/CL BIMET | Air Cleaner Bimetal Sensor |
A/CL DV | Air Cleaner Duct and Valve Vacuum Motor |
A/D | Analogue to Digital Converter |
A/F | Air Fuel Ratio |
A/T | Automatic Transmission |
A4R70W | Automatic Overdrive Electronic Wide Ration Transmission |
AAC | Auxiliary Air Control Valve |
AAT | Ambient Air Temperature |
AAV | Anti After burn Valve |
ABCV | Airbleed Control Valve (Ford) |
ABS | Antilock Brake System |
ABSV | Air Bypass Solenoid Valve (Mazda) |
ABV | Air Bypass Valve |
AC | Alternating Current |
ACC | Air Conditioning Clutch |
ACC | Automatic Climate Control |
ACCS | A/C Cycling Clutch Switch |
ACD | Air Conditioning Demand Switch |
ACL | Air Cleaner (Thermostatic Type) |
ACM | Air Bag Control Module |
ACON | Air Conditioning On Signal |
ACP | Air Conditioning Pressure Signal |
ACPSW | Air Conditioning Pressure Switch |
ACR | Air Conditioning Relay |
ACR4 | Air Conditioning Refrigerant, Recovery, Recycling, Recharging |
ACT | Air Charge Temperature |
ACTS | Air Charge Temperature Sensor |
ADS | Auxiliary Discriminating Sensor |
ACV | Air Control Valve |
ADU | Analog Digital Unit |
AECM | Air Bag Electronic Control Module |
AFC | Air Flow Control |
AFM | Air Flow Meter |
AFR | Air Fuel Ratio |
AFS | Air Flow Sensor |
AIR | Air Injection Reactor (Secondary Air Injection System) |
AIRB | Secondary Air Injection Bypass |
AIRD | Secondary Air Injection Diverter |
AIS | Automatic Idle Speed |
AIV | Air Injection Valve |
ALC | Automatic Level Control |
ALCL | Assembly Line Communications Link (GM) |
ALDL | Assembly Line Data Link |
ALT | Alternator (replaced with GEN) |
AM1 | Air Management 1, AIR Bypass |
AM2 | Air Management 2, AIR Diverter |
AMB | Ambient |
AOD | Automatic Overdrive |
AODE | Automatic Overdrive Electronic Transmission |
AODE-W | Automatic Overdrive Electronic Wide (ratio transmission) |
AP | Accelerator Pedal |
APC | Automatic Performance Control |
APP | Accelerator Pedal Position |
APS | Absolute Pressure Sensor |
APS | Atmospheric Pressure Sensor |
APT | Adjustable part Throttle |
ARS | Automatic Restraint System |
ASARC | Air Suspension Automatic Ride Control |
ASD | Automatic Shutdown Relay |
ASDM | Airbag System Diagnostic Module |
ASE | Automotive Service Excellence |
ASM | Acceleration Simulation Mode |
ASR | Automatic Slip Regulation |
ATC | Automatic Temperature Control |
ATDC | After Top Dead Centre |
ATF | Automatic Transmission Fluid |
ATM | Actuator Test Mode |
ATS | Air Temperature Sensor |
ATX | Automatic Transaxle |
AVOM | Analog Volt / Ohm Meter |
AWD | All Wheel Drive |
AX4S | Automatic 4 Speed Trans. |
AXOD | Automatic Overdrive Transaxle |
AXOD-E | Automatic Overdrive Transaxle - Electronically Controlled |
B+ thru BVT
Acronym/Abbreviation | Description |
B+ | Battery Positive Voltage |
BAC | Bypass Air Control Valve |
BAP | Barometric Atmosphere Pressure |
BARO | Barometric Pressure |
BAT | Battery |
BBDC | Before bottom dead centre |
BBL | Barrel |
BC | Blower Control |
BCM | Body Control Module |
BDC | bottom dead centre |
BHP | Brake Horse Power |
BHS | Bimetal Heat Sensor (Ford) |
BID | Breaker less Inductive Discharge (AMC) |
BLM | Block Learn Multiplier (replaced with LT FUEL TRIM) |
BMAP | Barometric/Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor |
BOB | Breakout Box |
BOO | Brake On / Off Switch |
BP | Barometric Pressure |
BPA | Mechanical Bypass Air |
BPCSV | Bypass Control Solenoid Valve |
BPP | Brake Pedal Position |
BPS | Back Pressure Sensor |
BPT | Back Pressure Transducer |
BPV | Bypass Valve (Ford) |
BPW | Brake Pulse Width |
BSV | Backfire Suppressor (Ford) |
BTDC | Before Top Dead Center |
BTS | Battery Temperature Sensor |
BTSI | Brake Transmission Shift Interlock |
BTU | British Thermal Unit |
BUS N | Bus Negative |
BUS P | Bus Positive |
BV | Bowl Vent Port (Ford) |
BVSV | Bi-Metal Vent Control Valve |
BVT | Backpressure Variable Transducer |
C thru CVVT
Acronym/Abbreviation | Description |
C | Carbon |
°C | Celsius |
C.A.R.B. | California Air Resource Board |
C3I | Computer Controlled Coil Ignition |
CAC | CAC (Charge Air Cooler) After Cooler Charge Air Cooler Inter Cooler |
CALPAK | Calibration Pack |
CAN | Controller Area Network |
CANP | Canister Purge Solenoid Valve EVAP |
CARB | Carburetor |
CARB | California Air Resources Board |
CAS | Crank Angle Sensor |
CASE | Cranking Angle Sensing Error |
CAT | Catalytic Converter |
CBD | Closed Bowl Distributor |
CC | Catalytic Converter |
CC | Climate Control |
CC | Cruise Control |
CCA | Centre Control Assembly |
CCC | Computer Command Control System (GM) |
CCC | Converter Clutch Control Solenoid |
CCCI | Computer Controlled Coil Ignition |
CCD | Computer Controlled Dwell |
CCDIC | Climate Control Driver Information Centre |
CCECS | Computer Controlled Emission Control System |
CCEI | Coolant Controlled Idle Enrichment (Chrysler) |
CCEV | Coolant Controlled Engine Vacuum Switch (Chrysler) |
CCM | Central Control Module |
CCM | Continuous Component Monitor |
CCO | Converter Clutch Overdrive Solenoid |
CCOT | Cycling Clutch Orifice Tube |
CCP | Climate Control Panel |
CCRM | Constant Control Relay Module |
CCRM | Constant Control Relay Module |
CCS | Coast Clutch Solenoid |
CCSP | Carbon Canister Storage/Purge |
CCV | Canister Control Valve |
CDCV | Canister Drain Cut Valve |
CDI | Capacitor Discharge Ignition |
CDR | Chrysler Diagnostic Readout |
CDRV | Crankcase Depression Regulator Valve |
CE | Commutate End |
CEAB | Cold Engine Air Bleed |
CEC | Crankcase Emission Control System (Honda) |
CEC | Computerized Emission Control System |
CECU | Central Electronic Control Unit (Nissan) |
CEL | Check Engine Light |
CER | Cold Enrichment Rod (Ford) |
CES | Clutch Engage Switch |
CESS | Cold Engine Sensor Switch |
CFC | Chlorofluorocarbons |
CFI | Central Fuel Injection |
CFI | Continuous Fuel Injection |
CFM | Cubic Feet Per Minute |
CFRM | Condenser Fan Relay Module |
CFV | Critical Flow Venture |
CHM | Cold Mixture Heater |
CID | Cubic Inch Displacement |
CID | Cylinder Identification Signal |
CIM | Column Integration Module |
CIS | Continuous Injection System (Bosch) |
CKP | Crankshaft Position Sensor |
CKP REF | Crankshaft Position Reference |
CKT | Circuit |
CL | Closed Loop |
CLC | Converter Lockup Clutch (replaced with TCC) |
CLCC | Closed Loop Carburetor Control |
CLECS | Closed Loop Emission Control System |
CLFCS | Closed Loop Fuel Control System |
CLNT | Coolant |
CLV | Calculated Load Value |
CMFI | Central Multiport Fuel Injection |
CMP | Camshaft Position Sensor |
CMP REF | Camshaft Position Reference |
CMTC | Compass/Mini Trip Computer |
CNG | Compressed Natural Gas |
CO | Carbon Monoxide |
CO2 | Carbon Dioxide |
COC | Conventional Oxidation Catalyst (Ford) |
COP | Coil On Plug Electronic Ignition |
CP | Canister Purge (GM) |
CPA | Connector Position Assurance |
CPI | Central Port Fuel Injection |
CPP | Clutch Pedal Position |
CPS | Central Power Supply |
CPSOV | Canister Purge Shut Off Valve (Ford) |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
CRK | Cranking Signal |
CRT. | circuit |
CSC | Coolant Spark Control (Ford) |
CSE GND | PCM Case Ground |
CSF | Crankshaft Speed Fluctuation |
CSFI | Central Sequential Fuel Injection |
CSSA | Cold Start Spark Advance System (Ford) |
CSSH | Cold Start Spark Hold System (Ford) |
CTAV | Cold Temperature Actuated Vacuum Switch (Ford) |
CTM | Central Timer Module |
CTO | Clean Tachometer Output |
CTOX | Continuous Trap Oxidizer |
CTP | Closed Throttle Position |
CTS | Coolant Temperature Sensor |
CTVS | Choke Thermal Vacuum Switch |
CV | Constant Velocity |
CV | Control Valve |
CVCC | Compound Vortex Controlled Combustion System (Honda) |
CVR | Control Vacuum Regulator (Ford) |
CVS | Constant Volume Sampler |
CVVT | Continuous Variable Valve Timing |
Acronym/Abbreviation | Description |
DAB | Delayed Accessory Bus |
dB | Decibels |
DBW | Drive-By-Wire |
DC | Direct Current |
DC | Duty Cycle |
DCISCA | DC Motor Idle Speed Actuator |
DCL | Data Communication Link |
DDL | Diagnostic Data Link |
DEC | Digital Electronic Controller |
DEC | Diesel Engine Control |
DEFI | Digital Electronic Fuel Injection |
DEPS | Digital Engine Position Sensor |
DERM | Diagnostic Energy Reserve Module |
DFCO | Diesel Fuel Cut-off Mode |
DFI | Direct Fuel Injection |
DFS | Deceleration Fuel Shut-off |
DI | Direct Ignition |
DIC | Driver Information Center |
DICM | Distributor Ignition Control Module |
DIS | Distributorless Ignition System |
DLC | Data Link Connector |
DM | Drive Motor |
DMCM | Drive Motor Control Module |
DMCT | Drive Motor Coolant Temperature |
DME | Digital Motor Electronics |
DMIVA | Distributor Mounted Ignition Vacuum Advance |
DMPI Module | Drive Motor Power Inverter Module |
DMS | Distributor Modulator System |
DOHC | Double Overhead Camshaft |
DOL | Data Output Line to IPC |
DPC | Dynamic Pressure Control |
DPF | Diesel Particulate Filter |
DPFE | Differential Pressure Feedback EGR |
DPI | Dual Plug Ignition |
DRB | Diagnostic Readout Box |
DRCV | Distributor Retard Control Valve |
DRL | Daytime Running Lights |
DSAS | Deceleration Spark Advance System |
DSO | Digital Storage Oscilloscope |
DSR | Ford Diagnostic Subroutine |
DSS | Downshift Solenoid |
DSSA | Dual Signal Spark Advance (Ford) |
DSV | Deceleration Solenoid Valve |
DTC | Diagnostic Trouble Code |
DTC FRZ | Diagnostic Trouble Code Freeze Frame |
DTM | Diagnostic Test Mode |
DTVS | Dual Temperature Vacuum Switch |
DV | Delay Valve |
DVAC | Distributor Vacuum Advance Control Valve |
DVDSV | Differential Vacuum Delay and Separator Valve |
DVOM | Digital Volt Ohmmeter |
DV | TW- Relay Valve Two Way |
DVVV | Distributor Vacuum Vent Valve |
Acronym/Abbreviation | Description |
E2PROM | Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory |
E4OD | Electronic 4-Speed Overdrive |
EAC | Electronic Air Control (replaced with AIR) |
EACV | Electronic Air Control Valve |
EAIR | Electronic Secondary Air Injection |
EAT | Electronically Controlled Automatic Transaxle Or Transmission |
EBCM | Electronic Brake Control Module |
EBL | Electric Back Lite (Rear Window Defroster) |
EBM | Electronic Body Module |
EBP | Exhaust Back :Pressure |
EBTCM | Electronic Brake T/C Module |
EC | Engine Control |
ECA | Electronic Control Assembly |
ECC | Electronic Climate Control |
ECCS | Electronic Concentrated Control System |
ECI | Extended Compressor at Idle |
ECIT | Electronic Control Ignition Timing |
ECITS | Electronic Control Ignition Timing System |
ECL | Engine Coolant Level |
ECM | Engine Control Module |
ECS | Emission Control System |
ECT | Engine Coolant Temperature |
ECU | Electronic Control Unit |
EDF | Electro Drive Fan |
EDFI | Electronic Diesel Fuel Injection |
EDI | Electronic Controlled Direct Ignition System |
EDIS | Electronic Distributorless Ignition System |
EDL | Engine Data Line |
EDM | Electronic Distributor Modulator (Ford) |
EEC | Electronic Engine Control (Ford) |
EECS | Evaporative Emission Control System |
EEGR | Electronic EGR (Solenoid) |
EEGR Monitor | Electronic EGR Test |
EEPROM | Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory |
EESS | Evaporative Emission Shed System (Ford) |
EET | Electronic EGR Transducer |
EEVIR | Evaporator Equalized Values in Receiver |
EFC | Electronic Fuel Control |
EFCA | Electronic Fuel Control Assembly |
EFE | Early Fuel Evaporation |
EFI | Electronic Fuel Injection |
EFT | Engine Fuel Temperature |
EFV | Early Fuel Evaporation |
EGC | Exhaust Gas Check Valve |
EGO | Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor |
EGR | Exhaust Gas Recirculation |
EGR Monitor | OBDII EGR Test |
EGR TVV | Exhaust Gas Recirculation Thermal Vacuum Valve |
EGRB | EGR Boost Sensor |
EGRC | EGR Control Solenoid (Ford) |
EGRC-BPT | EGR Control Back Pressure Transducer |
EGRPS | EGR Valve Position Sensor |
EGRT | Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature |
EGRV | Exhaust Gas Recirculation Vent Solenoid |
EH | Electro Hydraulic |
EI | Integrated Electronic Ignition System |
ELC | Electronic Level Control |
ELCD | Evaporative Loss Control Device |
EM | Engine Modification |
EMB | Electromagnetic Brakes |
EMF | Electromagnetic Field |
EMI | Electromagnetic Interference |
EMR | Electronic Module Retard |
EOBD | European On Board Diagnostics |
EOP | Engine Oil Pressure |
EOS | Exhaust Oxygen Sensor |
EOT | Engine Oil Temperature |
EP | Exhaust Pressure |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
EPC | Electronic Pressure Control |
EPOS | EGR Valve Position Sensor |
EPROM | Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory |
EPT | EGR Pressure Transducer (replaced with PFE) |
ESA | Electronic Spark Advance (Chrysler) |
ESC | Electronic Spark Control System |
ESD | Electrostatic Discharge |
ESS | Engine Speed Sensor |
EST | Electronic Spark Timing |
ETC | Electronic Temperature Control |
ETP | EGR Pressure Transducer |
ETR | Electronically Tuned Receiver |
EVAP | Evaporative Emissions System |
EVAP CP | Evaporative Canister Purge |
EVAP CV | Evaporative Emissions System Canister Vent |
EVIC | Electronic Vehicle Information Center |
EVO | Electronic Vehicle Orifice |
EVP | EGR Valve Position Sensor |
EVR | EGR Vacuum Regulator |
EVSV | Electronic Vacuum Switching Valve |
EWL | Engine Warning Lamp |
F thru FWD
Acronym/Abbreviation | Description |
F | Fahrenheit |
F4WD | Full Time Four Wheel Drive |
FAN | Cooling Fan (Low or High Speed) |
FBC | Feedback Carburetor |
FBCA | Feedback Carburetor Actuator |
FC | Fan Control |
FCA | Fuel Control Assembly (Chrysler) |
FCS | Fuel Control Solenoid |
FDBK | Feedback |
FDC | Fuel Deceleration Valve |
FDV | Fuel Decal Valve |
FEEPROM | Flash Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory |
FF | Flexible Fuel |
FI | Fuel Injector |
FIC | Fast Idle Control |
FICD | Fast Idle Control Device |
FIPL | Fuel Injection Pump Lever |
FLC | Fluid Lock-up Converter (Ford) |
FLS | Fluid Level Sensor |
FM | Fan Motor Program in PCM |
FMEM | Failure Mode Effect Management |
FOM | Fix Operating Mode (Limp Mode) |
FP | Fuel Pump |
FPCM | Fuel Injection Pump Control Module |
FPM | Fuel Pump Monitor (in PCM) |
FPRC | Fuel Pump Regulator Control |
FRP | Fuel Rail Pressure |
FRT | Fuel Rail Temperature |
FRZ | Freeze Frame |
FT | Fuel Trim; Adaptive Fuel Strategy |
FT-LB | Foot Pound |
FTL | Fuel Tank Level Sensor |
FTO | Filtered Tachometer Output |
FTP | Fuel Tank Pressure |
FTT | Fuel Tank Temperature |
FWD | Front Wheel Drive |
Acronym/Abbreviation | Description |
G/SEC | Grams per Second |
GAL | Gallon |
GCM | Governor Control Module |
GCW | Gross Combination Weight |
GDC | Fuel Data Centre |
GDI | Gasoline Direct Injection |
GEM | Generic Electronic Module |
GND | Electrical Ground Connection |
GPC | Glow Plug Control |
GPL | Glow Plug Wait Lamp |
GPM | Grams Per Mile |
GPR | Glow Plug Relay |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GST | Generic Scan Tool |
GVW | Gross Vehicle Weight |
GVWR | Gross Vehicle Weight Rating |
H thru Hz
Acronym/Abbreviation | Description |
H | Hydrogen |
H/CMPR | High Compression |
H2O | Water |
HAC | High Altitude Compensator |
HAIS | Heated Air Intake System (Chrysler) |
HBV | Heater Blower Voltage |
HC | Hydrocarbons |
HCDS | High Clutch Drum Speed |
HCV | Exhaust Heat Control Valve (Ford) |
HD | Heavy Duty |
HDC | Heavy Duty Cooling |
HDR | CKP - High Data Rate CKP Sensor |
HE | Hall Effect |
HEDF | High Electro Drive Fan |
HEGO | Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor |
HEI | High Energy Ignition |
HFAN | High Speed Cooling Fan |
HFC | High (speed) Fan Control |
HFM | Hot Film Air Mass Sensor |
HFP | High Fuel Pump (Relay) Control |
Hg | Mercury |
HIC | Hot - Idle Compensator (Ford) |
HLOS | Hardware Limited Operation System |
HO | High Output |
HO2S | Heated Oxygen Sensor |
HO2S-1-1 | Bank One Sensor One Signal |
HO2S-1-2 | Bank One Sensor Two Signal |
HO2S-1-3 | Bank One Sensor Three Signal |
HO2S-2-1 | Bank Two Sensor One Signal |
HO2S-2-2 | Bank Two Sensor Two Signal |
hp | Horsepower |
HPC | High Pressure Cut off |
HPL | High Pressure Liquid |
HPS | High Performance System |
HPV | High Pressure Vapour |
HSC | High Swirl Combustion |
HSIA | High Speed Inlet Air Control |
HT | High Tension |
HUD | Heads Up Display |
HVAC | Heater Ventilation and Air Conditioning |
HVAC | Heater Vent Air Conditioning |
HVACM | Heater Vent - Air Conditioning Module |
HVS | High Voltage Switch Ignition System |
Hz | Hertz |
I/M thru IVV
Acronym/Abbreviation | Description |
I/M | Inspection and Maintenance |
I/O | Input / Output |
I/P | Instrument Panel |
IA | Intake Air |
IAC | Idle Air Control (motor or solenoid) |
IACV | Idle Air Control Valve |
IAS | Inlet Air Solenoid (Ford) |
IAT | Intake Air Temperature |
IATS | Intake Air Temperature Sensor |
IBP | Integral Back Pressure |
IC | Ignition Control |
ICM | Ignition Control Module |
ICP | Injection Control Pressure |
ICS | Idle Control Solenoid |
ID | Inside Diameter |
IDI | Integrated Direct Ignition |
IDL | Idle Position Switch |
IDM | Injector Driver Module |
IFI | Indirect Fuel Injection |
IFS | Inertia Fuel Switch |
IGN | Ignition |
IGN ADV | Ignition Advance |
IGN GND | Ignition Ground |
ILC | Idle Load Compensator |
ILEV | Inherently Low Emissions Vehicle |
IMA | Idle Mixture Adjuster |
IMRC | Intake Manifold Runner Control |
IMS | Ignition Module Signal |
IMS | Inferred Mileage Sensor (Ford) |
IMT | Intake Manifold Timing |
INT | Integrator (replaced with ST FUEL TRIM) |
IOD | Ignition Current Off Draw |
IPC | Instrument Panel Cluster |
IPR | Injector Pressure Regulator |
IRCM | Integrated Relay Control Module |
ISA | Idle Speed Actuator |
ISC | Idle Speed Control |
ISO | International Standard of Organization |
ISS | Input Shaft Speed |
ISV | Idle Stabilization Valve |
ITA | Ignition Timing Adjustment |
ITCS | Ignition Timing Control System (Honda) |
ITS | Idle Tracking Switch |
IVS | Idle Validation Switch |
IVSC | Integrated Vehicle Speed Control |
IVV | Idle Vacuum Valve (Ford) |
JAS thru LWB
Acronym/Abbreviation | Description |
JAS | Jet Air System (Mitsubishi) |
JSV | Jet Mixture Solenoid Valve |
KAM | Keep Alive Memory |
KAPWR | Direct Battery Power |
KD | Kick down |
KDLH | Kick down Low Hold |
kHz | Kilohertz |
Km | Kilometers |
KOEC | Key On, Engine Cranking |
KOEO | Key On, Engine Off |
KOER | Key On, Engine Running |
KOER | Key On, Engine Running |
kPa | Kilopascals |
KS | Knock Sensor |
KSM | Knock Sensor Module |
KV | Kilovolts |
L | Liter |
L4 | Four Cylinder Inline Engine |
LAMBSE | Short Term Fuel Trim |
lb. ft. | Pound Feet |
LCD | Liquid Crystal Display |
LDP | Leak Detection Pump |
LED | Light Emitting Diode |
LEV | Low Emissions Vehicle |
LFAN | Low Speed Cooling Fan |
LFC | Low Fan Control |
LFP | Low Speed Fuel Pump Control |
LHD | Left Hand Drive |
LOAD | Calculated Load Value |
LOC | Light Off Catalyst |
LONGFT | Long Term Fuel Trim |
LOOP | Engine Operating Loop Status |
LOS | Limited Operating Strategy |
LPG | Liquid Petroleum Gas |
LSS | Linear Shift Solenoid |
LTFT | Long Term Fuel Trim |
LTS | Low Coolant Switch |
LUS | Lock-Up Solenoid |
LV8 | Load Variable |
LVW | Loaded Vehicle Weight |
LWB | Long Wheel Base |
M/C thru NVRAM
Acronym/Abbreviation | Description |
M/C | Mixture Control |
M/T | Manual Transmission |
MAF | Mass Air Flow Sensor |
MAP | Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor |
MAS | Mixture Adjust Screw |
MAT | Manifold Air Temperature |
MC | Mixture Control |
MCS | Mixture Control Solenoid (GM) |
MCT | Manifold Charge Temperature Sensor (Ford) |
MCU | Microprocessor Control Unit (Ford) |
MCV | Manifold Control Valve (Ford) |
MDP | Manifold Differential Pressure |
MEMCAL | Memory Calibration |
MFI | Multiport Fuel Injection |
MIC | Mechanical Instrument Cluster |
MIL | Malfunction Indicator Lamp |
MISAR | Micro processed Sensing and Automatic Regulation |
MLP | Manual Lever Position |
MLUS | Modulated Lock Up Solenoid or its Control Circuit (Ford) |
MLVLPS | Manual Valve Lever Position |
mm | Millimeters |
MPFI | Multi-Port Fuel Injection |
MPG | Miles Per Gallon |
MPH | Miles Per Hour |
MPI | Multi Port Injection |
MPV | Multi Purpose Vehicle |
ms | Millisecond |
MSFF | Miles Since First Fail |
MSLF | Miles Since Last Fail |
MST | Manifold Surface Temperature |
MT | Manual Transmission |
MTV | Manifold Tune Valve |
mV | Mill volts |
MVLPS | Manual Valve Lever Position |
MVZ | Manifold Vacuum Zone |
N | Nitrogen |
N.C. | Normally Closed Position |
N.O. | Normally Open Position |
N/MIL | A Code Set Without a MIL Request |
N/V | Input Shaft Speed to Vehicle Speed |
NDIR | Non Dispersive Infrared |
NDS | Neutral Drive Switch |
NGS | Neutral Gear Switch (Ford) |
NGV | Natural Gas Vehicles |
Nm | Newton Meters |
NOx | Oxides of Nitrogen |
NTC | Negative Temperature Coefficient |
NVRAM | Non Volatile Random Access Memory |
O2 thru OVCV
Acronym/Abbreviation | Description |
O2 | Oxygen |
O2S | Oxygen Sensor |
OBD | Onboard Diagnostics |
OBD I | On Board Diagnostics Version I |
OBD II | On Board Diagnostics Version II |
OBD STAT | On Board Diagnostic System Status |
OC | Oxidation Catalytic Converter |
OCC | Output Circuit Check (Ford) |
OCIL | Overdrive Cancel Indicator Lamp |
OCS | Overdrive Cancel Switch |
OCT ADJ | Octane Adjust Fuel Switch |
OD | Outside Diameter |
ODM | Output Device Monitor |
ODO | Odometer |
ODS | Overdrive Drum Speed |
OE | Original Equipment |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer |
OHC | Overhead Camshaft |
OHV | Over Head Valve |
OL | Open Loop |
ORC | Oxidation Reduction Converter |
ORVR | On Board Refueling Vapor Recovery |
OS | Oxygen Sensor |
OSAC | Orifice Spark Advance Control (Chrysler) |
OSC | Output State Check (Ford) |
OSM | Output State Monitor |
OSS | Output Shaft Speed |
OTIS | Overhead Travel Information System |
OVCV | Outer Vent Control Valve |
Acronym/Abbreviation | Description |
RABS | Rear Antilock Brake System |
RAM | Random Access Memory |
RAP | Retained Access Power |
RDS | Radio Data System |
RECAL | Calibration Adjustment |
REDOX | Reduction Oxidation Converter |
REF | Reference |
REGT | Recirculated Exhaust Gas Temperature |
RFI | Radio Frequency Interference |
RHD | Right Hand Drive |
RKE | Remote Keyless Entry |
RM | Relay Module |
ROM | Read Only Memory |
RON | Rated Octane Number |
RPM | Revolutions Per Minute |
RPS | Revolutions Per Second |
RRS | Variable Reluctance Sensor |
RTD | Real Time Dampening |
RTN | Dedicated Sensor Ground Circuit |
RTV | Room Temperature Vulcanizing |
RVP | Reid Vapour Pressure |
RWAL | Rear Wheel Anti-Lock |
RWD | Rear Wheel Drive |
S4WD thru SWB
Acronym/Abbreviation | Description |
S4WD | Selectable Four Wheel Drive |
SAE | Viscosity Grade |
SAFV | Separator Assembly Fuel/Vacuum |
SAVM | Spark Advance Vacuum Modulator |
SAW | Spark Angle Work |
SBDS | Service Bay Diagnostic System |
SBEC | Single Board Engine Controller (replaced with PCM0 |
SBS | Boost Solenoid (Ford) |
SBT | Serial Bus Traveler |
SC | Supercharged Engine |
SCAP | Silicone Capacitance Absolute Pressure Sensor (Ford) |
SCB | Supercharger Bypass |
SCP | Standard Corporate Protocol |
SDM | Sensing Diagnostic Module |
SDV | Spark Delay Valve |
SEFI | Sequential Electronic Fuel Injection |
SEO | Special Equipment Option |
SES | Service Engine Soon (replaced with MIL) |
SFI | Sequential Fuel Injection |
SHED | Sealed Housing Evaporative Determination System |
SHO | Super High Output Engine |
SHRT FT | Short Term Fuel Trim |
SID | Subsystem Identifier |
SIG RTN | Signal Return (sensor ground) |
SIL | Shift Indicator Lamp |
SIPS | Side Impact Protections System |
SIR | Supplemental Inflatable Restraint |
SIS | Side Impact Sensor |
SKIM | Smart Key Immobilizer Module |
SOHC | Single Over Head Camshaft |
SPFI | Single Point Fuel Injection (throttle body) |
SPI | Serial Peripheral Interface |
SPL | Smoke Puff Limiter |
SPOUT | Spark Output Signal |
SPS | Service Programming System |
SRC | Selective Ride Control |
SRDV | Spark Retard Delay Valve |
SRI | Service Reminder Indicator |
SRS | Supplemental Restraint System (air bag) |
SRT | System Readiness Test |
SS | Shift Solenoid |
SSI | Solid State Ignition (Ford) |
SST | Special Service Tool |
ST | Scan Tool |
STAR | Self Test Automatic Readout |
STC | Spark Timing Control |
STFT | Short Term Fuel Trim |
STI | Self Test Input |
STO | Self Test Output |
STS | Service Throttle System (lamp) |
SULEV | Super Ultra Low Emissions Vehicle |
SUSP | Suspension System Module |
SVO | Special Vehicle Operations |
SVT | Special Vehicle Team |
SVV | Solenoid Vent Valve (Ford) |
SWB | Short Wheel Base |
TA thru UCL
Acronym/Abbreviation | Description |
TA | Temperature Air (Honda) |
TAB | Thermactor Air Bypass Vacuum Solenoid Valve |
TAC | Throttle Actuator Control |
TACH | Tachometer |
TAD | Thermostat Air Diverter |
TAP | Transmission Adaptive Pressure |
TAV | Temperature Actuated Vacuum |
TB | Throttle Body |
TBA | Throttle Body Alignment |
TBH | Throttle Body Heater |
TBI | Throttle Body Fuel Injection |
TC | Turbocharger |
TCA | Thermostat Controlled Air Cleaner |
TCATS | Turbo Charge Air Temperature Sensor |
TCC | Torque Converter Clutch |
TCCP | Torque Converter Clutch Pressure |
TCIL | Transmission Control Indicator Lamp |
TCM | Transmission Control Module |
TCP | Temperature Compensated Accelerator Pump (Ford) |
TD | Turbo Diesel |
TDC | Top Dead Center |
TDI | Turbo Direct Injection |
TE | Thermal Expansion |
TFP | Throttle Fluid Pressure |
TFP | Transmission Fluid Pressure |
TFT | Transmission Fluid Temperature |
THM | Turbo Hydra-Matic |
TI | Transistorized Ignition System |
TIC | Thermal Ignition Control (Chrysler) |
TIV | Thermactor Idle Vacuum Valve (Ford) |
TK | Throttle Kicker Actuator (Ford) |
TKS | Throttle Kicker Solenoid |
TOT | Transmission Oil Temperature |
TP | Throttle Position |
TPCV | Tank Pressure Control Valve |
TPI | Tuned Port Injection |
TPM | Tire Pressure Monitor |
TPOUT | Throttle Position Output |
TPP | Throttle Position Potentiometer |
TPS | Throttle Position Sensor |
TPT | Throttle Position Transducer (Chrysler) |
TR | Transmission Range Sensor |
TRLHP | Track Road Load Horsepower |
TSB | Technical Service Bulletin |
TSP | Throttle Solenoid Positioner (Ford) |
TSS | Turbine Speed Shaft Sensor |
TV | Throttle Valve |
TVP | Throttle Valve Potentiometer |
TVS | Temperature Vacuum Switch |
TVV | Thermal Vacuum Valve |
TWC | Three Way Catalytic Converter |
UCL | Upper cylinder lubricant |
V thru VVV
Acronym/Abbreviation | Description |
V | Volts |
VAC | Vacuum |
VAF | Vane Airflow Meter |
VAF | Volume Air Flow |
VANOS | Double Variable Camshaft Control |
VAT | Vane Air Temperature Sensor |
VATS | Vehicle Antitheft System |
VBAT | Vehicle (system) Battery Voltage |
VCC | Viscous Converter Clutch |
VCM | Vehicle Control Module |
VCRM | Variable Control Relay Module |
VCTS | Vacuum Control Temperature Sensing Valve (Ford) |
VCV | Vacuum Control Valve (Ford) |
VDOT | Variable Displacement Orifice Tube |
VDV | Vacuum Delay Valve |
VECI | Vehicle Emission Control Information Decal |
VFD | Vacuum Fluorescent Display |
VIC | Vehicle Information Center |
VICS | Variable Inertia Charging System |
VIM | Vehicle Interface Module |
VIN | Vehicle Identification Number |
VIS | Variable Induction System |
VIT | Vehicle Interface Tool |
VLCM | Variable Load Control Module |
VMV | Vacuum Modulator Valve |
VMV | Vapor Management Valve (EVAP) |
VNT | Variable Nozzle Turbocharger |
VOTM | Vacuum Operated Throttle Modulator (Ford) |
VPWM | Variable Pulse Width Modulated |
VPWR | Ignition Switched Power |
VR | Voltage Regulator |
VR/S | Vacuum Regulator/Solenoid (Ford) |
VRDV | Vacuum Retard Delay Valve (Ford) |
VREF | Reference Voltage (from PCM) |
VRESER | Vacuum Reservoir (Ford) |
VREST | Vacuum Restrictor (Ford) |
VRIS | Variable Resonance Induction System |
VRS | Variable Reluctance Sensor |
VRV | Vacuum Regulator Valve (Ford) |
VSS | Vehicle Speed Sensor |
VSTP | Vacuum Solenoid Throttle Plate |
VVA | Venturi Vacuum Amplifier (Ford) |
VVC | Variable Valve Control |
VVT | Variable Valve Timing |
VVTi | Variable Valve Timing With Intelligence |
VVV | Vacuum Vent Valve (Ford) |
W/B thru WU-TWC
Acronym/Abbreviation | Description |
W/B | Wheelbase |
WAC | WOT A/C Cut out Relay |
WOT | Wide Open Throttle |
WOTPS | Wide Open Throttle Position Switch |
WOTV | Wide Open Throttle Valve (Ford) |
WSS | Wheel Speed Sensor |
WU-OC | Warm Up Oxidation Catalytic Converter |
WU-TWC | Warm Up Three Way Catalytic Converter |
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